Eggshell Land!!! 蛋殼園!!!This weekend is the Easter weekend. We had the urge to eat sushi (It has nothing to do with Easter) But we headed to our favorite sushi buffet restaurant - Watami. 這個禮拜是復活節 我們突然很想吃壽司(這跟復活節一點關係都沒有) 所以我們去我們最愛的壽司店吃到飽Xiao-pang's mouth is full of sushi. 小胖滿嘴壽司Afterwards we did our grocery shopping. It is so windy today but the weather is so nice!!! Spring is finally here!之後我們去買下禮拜的糧食 今天風真大但是天氣很好 春天總算到了Xiao-pang looks good with hats...(Again, it has nothing to do with Grocery shopping)小胖戴帽子很好看 (這跟買糧食一點關係也沒有)And he took me to EggShell Land!!! For people who don't know EggShell Land, there is a couple who has been doing this for years. Basically they collected all the empt egg shells and put them in the chemical to harden them and dye them into different colors. 然後他帶我去蛋殼園 蛋殼園的由來是從一對老夫妻收集蛋殼然後做造型 先把蛋殼泡在化學藥品裡 所以蛋殼會很堅硬不易碎 然後染色So they look like this...所以看起來像這樣子And these!!!還有這些And they put them into display like this!!!最後變成這樣These are all put together using egg shells. 這些動物造型都是用蛋殼做的Isn't this amazing?真的是很驚奇Look how excited xiao-pang is. 看小胖多興奮There were so many people here. 好多人來看.
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