House "Haunting" Part IIIII 找屋惡夢 IIIIIWe stopped by Dunkin Donuts before we headed out. This picture looks like I am doing an ad for Dunkin Donuts. 在出發前我們去喝杯咖啡吃甜甜圈 這張照片看起來好像在幫這家甜甜圈電做廣告Xiao-pang loves Boston Cream. 小胖很喜歡裡面有奶油的甜甜圈Ok....he looks like he is spooked from having to go into the house?為什麼小胖這張看起來跟要進入鬼屋一樣?Nice hardwood floor. 木材地板很棒Nice white cabinet. 廚房白色的櫃檯看起來很高貴的感覺The upstairs is disappointing. A lot of things need to be replaced, such as windows. 樓上卻很讓人失望 很多地方要換新 像是窗子Why there is a stair to go into the bathroom?為什麼進浴室會需要個小台階?Oh my gosh, see through toilet??? you don't see that very often. 這這...為什麼馬桶是透明蓋子The sink is blue...I am speechless. Well, at least it matches the toilet. 洗手臺也是籃色的 至少跟馬桶有配到Again, I think the yard is the best part of the house後院又是全房子最棒的地方Second house is owned by an older couple. 這間房子的主人年齡滿大的We knew by seeing the bed helper...因為看到放在床邊的護杖The bed in the living room...客廳中有一張床And the toilet I sensed older people. 還有馬桶護座 所以我想他們年紀應該很大了Overall, the house is in good condition, however, some things are pretty outdated, so it requires work. Again, we still have not found our dream house, so the search continues...總歸來說 房子維持的不錯 不過有些地方還是老舊了點 所以我們一定要維修 只好繼續尋找我們夢想之屋.
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